Trying to think of what to get your mother for Mother’s Day can be tricky. Sometimes we get overwhelmed by all the commercializing around holidays and end up buying way too many things or nick-knacks that will be thrown away later on. I understand that we don’t have to give anyone anything, but a gift symbolizes that you care enough about them to want to give them something as a thank-you or as a reminder that you love that person.

When it comes to Mother’s Day or Father’s Day, it can be a little hard in picking out something they could use or need, especially if they are over 60 and declare that they don’t need anything. Here are some tips I like to use when I find myself stuck…
Remember that a gift is an act of love!

simple, edible, and won’t sit around with dust collecting for years. Try thinking of what she likes to eat and try making a home cooked meal. Since we have all been stuck at home for awhile this past year, maybe turn it into a picnic and enjoy the sun! This idea may not be expensive (or it might depending on the recipe) but it is something that will be used and the amount of effort put into the cooking doesn’t usually go missed.
Most of the human populous watches movies or tv shows, and that gives plenty of options when it comes to gift giving. Find a classic she hasn’t seen in a long time, or a movie that you haven’t seen before, and tune up the outdoor movie projector. Get a bonfire going and spend some time outside, watching a movie under the stars!

Homemade Card
Making something by hand never goes out of style. It is more personal than an expensive card from the store and you can design anything you want. Don’t think of yourself as much of an artist? That is what google and clipart is for. As long as you are using the images for personal use in a Mother’s Day gift, you are fine to use them. (Unless you have a 90 year old grandmother who enjoys the three dimensional cards and the card becomes her gift - pop up flowers and lights galore!)

Fruit Flower Arrangements
You can always turn to a scrumptious version of the classic idea of flowers for a change in routine. There are many different varieties and options to customize your own bouquet and most times, the services you purchase from can deliver it to the door! But, this idea can cost some money and if they are not in the delivery radius, might I suggest purchasing some fruit from your local grocery store, or farm stand, and using a flower cookie cutter with a melon baller for the center. Grab yourself some skewers, or leftover chopsticks from take-out meals, for your stems and place them in a vase, already to go.
Video Message
Everyone should be pros at Zoom and online meetings by now, so why not take a video recording with your phone or tablet and send it to your mother by email or flash drive through the mail? Takes making a phone call to the next level!
Candy Song Lyrics
Take some song lyrics and adapt them to them with some candy mixes in order to create something original. Write them down on a piece of paper and tape the candy in place of the words - like “Too comfortable, we’re living in a bubble, bubble (bubble gum).”

Instead of giving flowers that will die (maybe she lives flowers that die though, like my grandmother), take her a
plant that will bloom and last awhile.
Succulents are a great choice for anyone.
They can survive droughts, meaning they don't need much watering, but do require
a lot of sunshine, so a nice sized window
would be sufficient.

Getting out and exploring the local area, or even farther out, broadens our experiences and viewpoints on life around us and within. Going with our family and friends adds to the experience and offers us new memories to hold onto. Spending time with our loved ones can be the greatest gift of all. Pack some food along to make a
picnic out of the drive - or help support a local business wherever the road takes you.
Digital Photograph Frame
This option is the most expensive, but worth it if you can afford to do it. There are different sizes of frames to choose from, not including color and whether it is corded or operating on batteries. Create a montage of photos for the frame to flip through so that way your mother can see multiple pictures all the time instead of having just one up in a frame.
Last but not least, is gift cards
The old stand-by that is there for the last minute resort because you forgot about the holiday or was plum out of ideas. Some people prefer gift cards over actual items, that way they can get whatever they want. Nothing wrong with that.

Of course, you know what your mother would like better than I would, but there are just some helpful hints if you get stuck and are looking for some inspiration. And hey, if you have any wood lying around the house that you are not using, sell it to get your mother something for Mother’s Day! #mothersday #giftideas #mothersday2021 #gifts
Looking for a book instead? Does your mother enjoy mystery, spy, thriller, horror, or sci-fi? Check out the Mechanicsburg Mystery Bookshop to see if they can help you with your next gift at